Click on a Button at Left to Magically Transport to Location!
[Note: Rumors that a previous party goer was injured when their molecules failed to reassemble after transport were grossly exaggerated.]
This cemetery in Salem is said to be haunted by the victims of the infamous Salem witch trials. |
Be sure to ask for room 612 or 325, if you don't feel like sleeping. Ever. What port town didn't offer a place where sailors could get boozed and bedded? The only thing they didn't find here is mercy. |
Spooktacular fun! |
What bookstore owner doesn't love it when books keep flying off the shelves? |
AKA the Turner House, which inspired author Nathaniel Hawthorne--or perhaps it was his great, great grandfather, the hanging judge, who apparently liked to martyr witches.
We heard a lot of noise coming from the Haunted Cemetery. Not scared are you?